PDUAwake shared a post  
3 years ago


3 years ago

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please hear the cries of your people here on Earth and have mercy on us in this hour. Satan is killing your children and their children in such monstrous ways that we need YOU to intervene. We know that there is no one else that can defeat the darkness but YOU.
Your children have suffered for thousands and thousands of generations under Lucifer and his followers. We humbly beg you to remove this evil from this beautiful world you made for us, so that we can be the people You always meant us to be.
Lord, I ask especially that you will send rescue for all the little ones being used, tortured and murdered by soulless men who do not recognize their sin. Please send your angels to deliver these little ones right away.
Dear Jesus, please tell us what we are supposed to do in these times to bring more people into the Light. Give us instinctual knowledge of what to say and do with friends and relatives who are still spiritually asleep.
Thank you, Lord for all the blessings we have in our lives because of your Grace. Forgive us Father of the horrific sins of abortion and neglect of your laws.
In Your word, You say that if two or more gather and pray in your name you will hear us from heaven and answer our prayers. Please hear our prayer tonight. Thank you for my life and for my purpose. I ask these things in Jesus’ holy name. AMEN ✨

I’m going to bed, friends. Have a good night. ❤️
