
The interview can be found at https://tv.gab.com/channel/PunishDem2021. Last night, we had a wonderful, unexpected surprise guest on Punisher’s Telegram channel (https://t.me/joinchat/IBG1RuwbGP7tAbUY). Melissa Carone who, with Rudy, took on the Michigan state legislature during the election fraud hearing, graciously spent over an hour with us. She has also been vindicated as more evidence is uncovered and proven true.

We have more guests to come, that are in it to win it! Check for special guests and events at https://t.me/PunisherNewsRoom

A short clip of her telling the state reps exactly what so many of us would like to, is below. She became one of my heroes. Never thought I’d ever get the opportunity to speak to her!

She has not given up, and is now running for office in Michigan. Check out her website for information on how to help, donating, and other news. She is facing a tough uphill, but not impossible, battle.