
If you feel moved to do so, I would greatly appreciate someone to be in agreement with me for the following prayer for my Dad:

Heavenly Father, I appear in your throne room to thank you for delivering my Earthly Father from this physical ailment that has taken hold of him. I Thank you for allowing him to weather this storm and I claim healing for him through your Son Jesus. By your Spirit I speak directly to the kidney stones causing the problems and say dissolve yourself and pass freely, be gone! To the kidneys I say allow passage of all toxins and rebuild yourself with new healthy cells. To the ears I say be healed! as the toxins leave, so also you return to 100% effective hearing, re-growing as required. To the eyes I say return to designed operability as Source intended! Holy Spirit I Thank you for covering him with a blanket of wellness and a sense of peace as this healing takes place, fill him with your Awesome love from the bottom of his feet to the top of his head, so that it overflows and does the same to anyone that comes in contact with him! Thank you for making him whole again! I ask for this to begin to take place in this moment of now! Praying in the name of your Son Jesus.