Shane St. Pierre added new photos to VAERS
3 years ago - Translate


VAERS data is accessible by downloading raw data in comma-separated value (CSV) files for import into a database, spreadsheet, or text editing program, or by using the CDC WONDER online search tool. Information provided to VAERS which identifies a person who received the vaccine or vaccines will not be made available to the public. De-identified VAERS data are available 4-6 weeks after the report is received. VAERS data change as new reports are received, so your results may change if you repeat the same search at a later date. To learn more about interpreting data see Guide to Interpreting VAERS Data.


My data - Rar Archvie Complete DropBox: Analysis complete 2021 VAERS VAX

List of Reported Symptoms: Symptoms.docx?dl=0

Excel File only: VAX data Shane.xlsm?dl=0

Pivot Table pdf: VAX data download.pdf?dl=0

Reported Vax data from Jan 1 2021 - Feb 28 2021 COMPLETE list of reported adverse effects

I work for a Lumber Company in RI and i have 6 years experience with all sorts of data analysis. Essentially, i live, breathe, work and play in Excel all day long, so this was not a difficult service for me to perform for the American People.

***Keep in mind this is using only the data reported to VAERS . It is possible that the majority of people who have been injected did not suffer any affects and thus did nothing report anything. It is also possible that there are many reports they chose not to publish as they only update the results once per week . also keep in mind this data is raw. They did nothing to compile re group or otherwise clean up the data so we are dealing with user submitted forms. This has many issues like if a person does not check the death box but filled in one and only symptom “death” I saw many of these ...

I completed my analysis of the data i downloaded from the VAERS website and wanted to share it with the world. I did not do this to prove the CDC and WHO are full of shit, we all knew that. I did this to figure our exactly HOW FULL OF SHIT they are. I wanted to see what the adverse affects that did not result in death were and compare that to the 343 page warning issued by the CDC.

Before I summarize my findings, anyone at all who has an interest can download my modified dataset, all images, charts, graphs, and the word documents i assembled of all reported symptoms and effects. You are invited to do your own analysis and let me know if I made a mistake or completely mis-categorized something. (Unlikely as this is my actual job, but always possible).

Essentially, for anyone of any age of any condition who takes this 'experimental gene therapy' that is NOT a vaccine, the chance of death is around 40% consistently. Keep in mind those of us who understand what this really is expect the INTENDED result was to cause general organ failure and death 2-3 months after the injection in those that rejected the mRNA recoding. To have this many die essentially within 1-2 weeks of the shot has to be a result of them rushing this entire procedure. They understand that this many adverse affects and deaths is bound to cause investigations and arouse the suspicions of the general public (not to mention the people in line to receive the shot).

Notes** It is my belief that this data was recorded and posted in accordance with the Law, but they performed NO AGGREGATION of any kind, nor any analysis. This is NOT required by law of course. They posted this as yet another TAUNT to the American people, KNOWING most people will NOT EVEN BOTHER TO LOOK, let alone download their data and perform a moderately in depth professional analysis.

To prove them right, i am sure most people who are referred to this post by loved ones trying to warn them will dismiss this data, my approach, my competence etc, well before they are ready to accept my conclusions. Again, I invite the public to corroborate any or all of this
