
Hopefully something can be done , and it can be through enough people seeing this post and TAKING ACTION. PLEASE DON'T LET ME BE THE ONLY ONE, AS IT WILL ONLY LEAD TO UNSUDDINGLY THINGS. Make a choice for YOUR community, Your Children. This has nothing to do with me anymore, there is something strange obviously going on. Our jobs are to take the necessary action. NOT in Vigilante violence either, or we ARE no different then them. As they are JUSTIFING THESE THREATS through the vigilante work being carried out by the gangs as strong arms. I don't care about them, or even what anyone chooses to do in THEIR OWN free time AS long as it not INFRINGING on our community, or praying on the children. This may seem like something that you will never have to address, therefore turn your head. BUT Realize the actions are there very starting points in the trauma we are experiencing through the Fetanyl. How many of you patriots know someone who has O.D'ed in the past 3 years because of Fetanyl?