My friend - "I think Juan is full of shit and likes hearing the sound of his own voice LOL"
Me- "Lord yes.. My faith in things is being tested right now for sure. It’s easy to feel frustrated.
My 2 cents: Juan used to be on the inside but is now just a very educated outsider. He is no longer in the midst of the current plan as no one can be and speak about it. I still feel he uses his best guess to share what he knows.
Ive been a fan of Robert David Steeles (ex CIA) for a long time and he’s convinced of J07’s sincerity. Still Im really really confused right now. I have a hard time even finding new Juan vids as others keep posting old stuff and burying it like this chick. wtf is this? Intentional misinfo? She’s got like 41 subscribers..
I wrote to RDS today and asked if there could be anyway of having a central spot for J07’s current stuff. Ill let you know what I hear. I also saw getting her flu shot and recommending others do the same. Again WTF? All I can say is hang in there Mike. We’re in this together. Gonna be quite a ride. Lets keep each other informed. Its a very real war with EVERYTHING at stake. If trump and company dont actively intervene in a timely way we are flat out doomed (death). My gut says the military has been in complete control since election fraud and letting the Cabal have plenty of leash right now in order to expose/hang themselves, but are ensuring our safety. If the Cabal was fully in control would already be seeing Trump and company hanging from trees. If this is indeed Armageddon (final fight between good and evil) we should not underestimate how embedded the wicked players are. We need sit tight so they come out of the woodwork and God can get them all.
Heres that subtitled vid I told you about. i think things ARE happening, we just cant see them
The scripture that pops in mind is 2 Cor 5:7 “we walk by faith not sight”. Thats all I got right now.
Much love brother. We should definitely have a few beers together soon."