“"Legalization" news. Unexpected for me...
....As for Canada, the fact that local residents told me about (not those who were citizens by birth there, but those who moved there from the Russian Federation and Ukraine) was creepy.
Schoolchildren and teachers -- the vast majority-- are hooked on marijuana.
And the children are very difficult to teach.
A woman called me from there (she is a teacher in Canada giving private lessons to Russian speaking kids).
She had big problems -- children could not absorb data, grasped things with great difficulty and had terrible memory.
Only one girl could learn - and she was the only one from her class who did not smoke weed on principle.
In Canada it all had started with the legalization of medical cannabis.
And to legalize weed in Canada the same discussion had broken out in main stream media , there had been parades and other signs of advertising.
So , dear Ukrainians , think for yourself...”
Marina G., Ukraine