
4 years ago

Via @i4ni2th4a2th on AnonUp.com

"C-19 official vaXXXination narrative versus SNL skit (terrifyingly accurate parody of celebrity Big Pharma PUSH).

Predictive programming & Revelation of the Method at its finest. This 7 year old clip is ALMOST unbelievable in its accuracy and disturbingly funny.

Watch till the end to see the “sponsor” (INSANE)."

Tags: Chuck Nellis Graycat Ice Kates Jonella Moore Faith Warrior Donna Whitacre Jan Robertson Lee Katz Pajamas Dan Multifascination Annpeace Deb B. Paul Zwierzanski Sandrine Just Lovely Peony Morning Lisa Smith michael harvey mark m Mary Qristmas NHpatriot ED SHORT Liddy Mikkee Teresa Grotius