4 years ago - Translate


My Facebook message.....feel free to copy paste it...๐Ÿ‘‡

I know it doesn't appear so now...but we are winning

Deep State deletes the truth on every platform

Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming

Work hard, live your lives, love your family, TURN OFF THE MAIN STREAM NEWS! QUIT BUYING THEIR PRODUCTS,

We are in an information war at this time without any doubt

Deep State needs their reset world wide.

The Big Corporations are all in on this together

They didn't just steal the elections in this nation.

They've done this world wide in every country for years

This will end up all the way to Governors, Mayors,
And City Counsels

This is agenda 2030
This is the Great Reset

They are having to hurry things

Hillary losing was not in the schedule

Now all these millions of frogs are telling it all

They are writing articles daily trying to get you to not listen to us.

Congress has condemned us
The military is forbidden to be our friends
The FBI want to make us look violent and racists

There is a Storm Coming

I know it's very confusing with the media telling nothing but lies.

They divide us over everything.

Im gonna love you and pray for us all.

Yes I know what's going on
No I dont know when

Yes there are over 221k indictments
John Durham has them

The plan was for lots of Republicans and Democrats that sold our country to Russia, China, Ukraine, Iran etc would go to jail

The plan is for Bill Gates, Hillary, Soros to be exposed

And they hurt children

94% will agree once they have all the information.

So what you do now will be important....don't hate peeps.

Don't get mad at people for getting vaccinations and wearing masks or not wearing or getting them.

Satan divides...love people

Resist the Devil and he will flee

Rural areas can see the news is fake because we don't have race problems much like the inner big cities that have decades of satanic liberal influence.

I love you...one day I will be able to speak freely.

I don't say much anymore here.

I say it on Telegram

I'm still the news

I apologize to nobody for telling you the truth

But I pray for all

God Bless us all