
4 years ago

100,000 French sign petition urging military coup against Macron

A group of active French military personnel has published a new open letter to the country's president, Emmanuel Macron, in which they warn him of a "civil war" brewing in the country after all the "concessions" he has made to Islamism.

The letter, published late Sunday in the conservative magazine Valeurs Actuelles, appears to be in a similar tone to the message published by the same outlet last month. Unlike the previous one, which was signed by 25 retired generals and soldiers on active duty, the new letter is anonymous and open to signature by the general public. By noon Monday, it had attracted more than 100,000 signatures.

The authors of the letter described themselves as French soldiers on active duty, belonging to the younger generation of the army who have experienced actual fighting in recent years.

"We are what the newspapers have called 'the fire generation'. Men and women, active soldiers, from all armies and from all ranks, from all opinions, we all love our country. These are our only claims to fame. And although by law we cannot express ourselves with our faces uncovered, it is equally impossible for us to remain silent ", the letter reads.

The letter accuses President Macron of having made "concessions" to Islamism on French soil, while the country's army has shed its blood to fight against it in "Afghanistan, Mali, the Central African Republic or elsewhere.

The authors also indicated that at least some of them participated in the domestic Operation Sentinelle, launched after the devastating Charlie Hebdo terrorist attacks in 2015, and witnessed certain ethno-religious communities in France that were completely separate from the rest of the country.

For such communities, "France means nothing but an object of sarcasm, contempt or even hatred," the letter reads.

Like the previous letter, this new one warns the authorities of the republic of an imminent "civil war" in which the very existence of France is at stake. "Once again a civil war is brewing in France and you know it all too well," the letter reads.

We are not talking about extending your mandates or conquering others. We are talking about the survival of our country, the survival of your country.

Much support for warning French generals of coming civil war - Front News

The authors of the letter also expressed strong support for the signatories of the first letter and sharply criticized the government's response to it.

"To encourage the senior officers of the army to take a stand and expose themselves, the reason for writing anything other than combat reports must be quite perverse," the letter reads.

Cowardice, deceit, perversion: this is not our view of the hierarchy. On the contrary, the military is pre-eminently the place where we speak the truth because we stake our lives.
