Remember what we told you, a few weeks ago? Turned out to be true. No Maricopa Miracle, whether by destruction of proof, lack of chain of custody, or media denial, or all at once.
Circus all along. L. Lin Wood doesn't get the spot, Donald J. Trump endorses election fraud denier and congratulates him on his victory, saying he won the Presidential Election TWICE. Other stuff going on as well, all around the World, in a big circus, with absolutely nothing REAL at stake.
It has been this way since generations, literally, but now it becomes so obvious, so ridiculous. Some are not set to wake up, and those who come back surfing on the Maricopa trend are set to disappear again, just as they did after January 20th. Maybe we'll need a couple more of those! No one will be able to surf on the wave of changes, for it is profound and set to remain partly hidden. Absolutely no one will get easy credits and benefits from surfing on the wave for all to see, not a CM, not a NA, and not me.
Politics has always been an election of the few or for the few. Right now, it's about doing the right things at an individual level, and never lose the train as it marches on, for "many are called and few will be chosen".
Just as my posts. For the s - elect few.
Stay tuned.