4 years ago - Translate


I came across this this morning. I didn't get into what this response was for but it has good information for those who are trying to understand God's word beyond what the run of the mill watered down ministry has to offer. I've went my own way and am trying to self teach through study. Learning way more than I ever did in a corner church although I'm sure most mean well. But one thing I did learn is that ministers and pastors are rubber stamped out of ministry schools which are suspect at this time along with other institutions in this country at the moment due to infiltration by the enemy. Not dissing on the pastors or ministers, but keep that in mind. A good spiritual leader of God takes the time to go beyond what he/she is taught in the school. Seeks truth. I will be getting these concordances to further my own studies.

"DoctorQ's Boom Box!, [17.05.21 21:52]
[Forwarded from DoctorQ's Boom Box! Chat]
EXACTLY MY POINT! My dear friend IF you don't know even the basics as that, then I ALSO assume that you are not conversant with original language research techniques and tools! Please let me recommend to you to get a copy of the Englishman's GREEK and Englishman's HEBREW Concordance that coordinates with the STRONGS Concordance numbering system and will prove INVALUABLE to a seeker of TRUTH such as yourself! It is obvious that you are on fire an zealous for GOD's WORD (PRAISE GOD FOR THAT!!) but with all the due respect of a man with over 475 CREDIT hours including a couple of degrees in THEOLOGY, a couple of degrees in Human Biology, and one doctorate that allows me treat patients legally, you may be a little over your head on this one. I won't say that this is an ABSOLUTE place that I will land on this BECAUSE you just my be right and this old crusty dude may just be all wet on this one! BUT ... I haven't seen your documentation yet — only YOUR OPINION! Back it up is all that is asked! Because ... I am being gentle on you, while a REAL SCHOLAR will shred you for presenting such stuff as I see up to now! The point is that scripture is clear that even the scriptures are subject to change with the conditions and "prophesies" might just "fail" when there is another variable is introduced as it was with Ninevah and Jonah! When they repented the city was spared and the prophesy that Jonah delivered "failed" in its destructive side for reason OF the repentance! WHO KNOWS how many prophesies of destruction might have been or be avoided if II Chronicles 7:14 were applied and the people prayed for deliverance instead of masking up and cowering in fear! I DO NOT WEAR MASKS OF SLAVERY and the folks at the markets don't even ask anymore! MY REALITY IS FREEDOM! Now as for my proof of original text, I give you the verse that indicates the possibility of prophesy being modified by repentance!

"Charity never faileth: but whether there be ..... PROPHESIES, ... THEY SHALL FAIL...; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. (1 Corinthians 13:8) (my capitalization emphasis)

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." (2 Chronicles 7:14).

PLEASE be more careful with scriptures next time! Instead of MAKING ABSOLUTE AUTHORITATIVE STATEMENTS — how about try some provocative questions and then sit back and LEARN from the group who each contribute something of value! I for one have had WAY too many preachers of the First United Most Self-Righteous Churches who couldn't answer the SIMPLEST of questions I am prepared to ask OR ANSWER! AND while many humble servants of God INSPIRE me, the self-deluded and self-righteous ones simply annoy me and cause me to sharpen my two-edged sword (my Bible) just a little more! BE A WARRIOR who is TEACHABLE for GOD instead of just a "critic with an opinion!" Otherwise, folks like me will NOT take you as a serious student/teacher of God and we will eventually just disregard whatever you say! I hope this falls on FERTILE EARS! Love and Light! D.'