
Newsflash: You Commies Can't Force Me To Inject Something Into My Body.

Sadly, My State Is Now 57% Vaccinated.

So My Choice, Like Most Of You, Is Now In The Minority.

I Will NEVER Take The Vaccine.

Sadly, Even Coworkers And Friends Of Mine Who Are Conservatives Are Giving In... They Are Taking The Vaccine Simply Because It Is The Easy Path.

This Is A Test. This Is Their Opportunity To Vaccinate The World. That Alone Should Concern Anyone.

If [They] Wanted To Inject Us With Something Harmful, Now Would Be The Perfect Opportunity. Remember The Georgia Guidestones. 500,000. That Is Their Goal. Don't Give In. Like Trump Said, "It Is Your Choice."

Don't Tread On My Rights, My Freedom Of Choice... Don't Tread On ME.