
4 years ago

In regards to my last post about the SUN:
Remember there have been many SONGS written about this:

SONG = SON. G = 7 = GOD

Most of the songs from the 60's and 70's contain all the answers you need - all the TRUTHS are written in the SONGS. They were also set to the right Hz (Frequency) - Most music after 1981 was set to a different Hz which was meant to irritate us and lower our frequencies - this was the start of really dumbing us down...we weren't poisoned enough back in the 50's-80's ..so they kinda let us LIVE our lives until they could think of new ways to destroy our Pineal Glands and until Chem Trails took full effect.

The Cabal have a lot of patience - so they had no problem waiting for this time..... when we were DUMB enough - and the older generation was riddled with cancers and Alzheimers and memory loss..... those were our FACT CHECKERS and they destroyed their minds.
The YOUNG ones were getting poisoned more than most of us were- Children born in late 80's and 90's and increasing in the early 2000's until present are perhaps the most damaged of people - with a large percentage with Autism / ADD etc... 1 in 4 children fall on the spectrum. The Schools became nothing more than Indoctrination camps as well as having their SCHOOL LUNCHES poisoned (thanks to BIG MIKE - remember this creature was in charge of the school lunches)- They changed out the LIGHTS in the schools to further irritate the children. Schools are the biggest disaster of a place to put your child. If I knew then what I know now - my children would have NEVER went to school.
ADD CELL PHONES, COMPUTERS - VIDEO GAMES - JUNK FOOD etc...and its a recipe for more disaster.. Remember every child was switched over to a CHROME BOOK - and a PROGRAM on the CHROME BOOK was called Adrenochrome (sp)....they WATCHED and LISTENED because you know they were able to take them home ! ...Most children (including mine)- did all their social media on these chrome books too- they were watching everything ! - When the child returned the computers at the end of the year - they were given the same computer the following school year... so where did these chrome books go during the SUMMER???????? - I did happen to ask and they said they were getting repaired and cleaned.... YEAH RIGHT !