
That was close! Well, Bandos has no hold on Yubiusk anymore, but it is nevertheless a barren wasteland. And the natives! I really don't know a lot about Yubiusk, however if we did ever live there, I understand we would not put up with those creatures. So, if we could pursue out the Orks and decorate the place, Yubiusk may be nice again? Assuming it ever was...

I understand it was. And I know we can do it. [your name], your own shirt. The potion! There was still a few left. I must have dropped it by accident. It doesn't look like enough to have any effects on you. Not unless you are an Ogre Shaman.

You also gain ability to damage Ogre Shamans, they can hit hard, prayer is advised, and to return to Yubiusk to either fight Orks, or to farm in its farming patches as part of a"renovation effort". Yubiusk is far bigger now, so the orks and the farming spots are far away from one another.

A Dramen Tree in Dorgeshkan. In case you've got 70 Farming, you are able to harvest Dramen Fruit, that will let you use Fairy Rings with no Dramen Staff. This will not apply if you're going to the Fairy Queen's Hideout.

Start your quest by speaking to Commander Veldaban, at Keldagrim: Anything going on in Keldagrim recently?