4 years ago - Translate


If after 18 months of governmental lies, academic fraud, and the whore media’s complicity with false propaganda induced death, you still place your trust in such institutions then the consequences of your idol worship are your responsibility.

Here is the true narrative:

-COVID-19 is a weapon used to induce global fear

-COVID-19 can be easily prevented and/or treated in the prehospital setting

-fear is used to create a false justification for a far worse weapon called the “covid-19 vaccine”

-according to world leading scientists and researchers, this vaccine may lead to genocide on an unprecedented scale

Therefore, completely reject the media’s treacherous and false narrative, Fauci’s and Biden’s advice, and the recommendations of the vile who, fda, cdc, and the nih.

There are enough like minded, freedom loving, and God centered people in this country that will coalesce together and resist tyranny at all costs.

Please save yourself and your family. Reject fear, love God, and prepare to sacrifice everything for the sake of your children’s and humanities future.

Vladimir Zelenko MD


Telegram: Contact @zelenkoprotocol

Telegram: Contact @zelenkoprotocol

If after 18 months of governmental lies, academic fraud, and the whore media’s complicity with false propaganda induced death, you still place your trust in such institutions then the consequences of your idol worship are your responsibility. Here