
Just a RANT: I have to say I am getting sick and tired of this crap- day after day there is more news put out there that is sooo dumb and stupid and people are falling for it..... I am speaking of the sleeping idiots.

This is torture for me and I am NOT enjoying any of it!!!..Many have not felt the impact of what this has caused...I have lost so much and now another major blow...!!!!....and its all because of this COVID BULLSHIT!!!...also because I have been a target for years and they just keep attacking me....most would never believe the shit that happens in my life....its beyond ridiculous now...

YES things are happening but only WE see it!! ..many are not...they just keep playing along with the propaganda... Right now I am really PISSED OFF at mostly Americans who by far seem to be the most brainwashed!!!..Other countries are banning together and not seeing too much of that going on here.

The ones who are AWAKE are going to start losing patients...I cant speak for everyone - but this is pure torture for me..I dont know what else I can do - except PRAY-because thats what we do.....
I am EXHAUSTED and TIRED of this crap.. If there is going to be a STORM then LET IT RAIN !!!...No LET IT DOWNPOUR!!!!..... soooo F*cking OVER IT !!!!