3 years ago - Translate


Activate your Channels of Telepathy
This idea of Telepathic Coherence is really important because it is the vehicle that is used by universal light intelligence to channel instruction and support in our service to humanity. In other words, coherently connected consciousness is the container through which we serve as divine channels. It’s how our star family communicates with us. It's how our Divine Presence inspires us. It's how our Spiritual Guides send us messages.
Developmental Focus:
It begins this Sunday, August 1
Activate your Channels of Telepathy
Three activation times:
8am, 3pm, 8pm ET
To register: https://iamavatar.org/avatar-blueprinting/
*This is through Children of the sun who I have been actively working with since 2009 and they have changed and transformed myself and many friends in miraculous ways... Isn't it your turn yet?
Be good to your soul. ❤

Avatar Blueprinting - Evolved Human Design - I AM Avatar

Avatar Blueprinting - Evolved Human Design - I AM Avatar

Avatar Blueprinting focuses extensively on manifesting the evolved human design and its expanding lens of perceptual awareness and service.