This site is nothing more than a box that traps you in. The only thing happening here is meme sharing and a few video shares. There are no big name truthers here. There are no conservative politicians here. There is so much truth that does not get posted here on WEGO. Telegram has so much more to offer if you follow the truthers. Telegram will lead you to the truth while WEGO will keep you boxed in. This site is either compromised or was created to keep you boxed in. Expand your horizons. Check out Telegram where ALL the Truthers and Keyboard Warriors are posting from Anons to politicians. Don't waste you life on this site. What has this site done? What does it do for you? Are you ok with posting memes and reposting other posts with no accomplishments? This site leads to nowhere. It is a dead end. I encourage everyone to go check out Telegram, follow all the conservatives and truthers and you will learn more than you will here and you will also be connected to the sources of information. Trump, Lin Wood, Praying Medic, David Nino Rodriguez, Dinesh D’Souza, Code MonkeyZ, Negative 48, Epoch Times, Keanu Reeves, conservative politicians, and many more on Telegram. Everybody in on Telegram and you are all here missing out. Come join the party or stay here and burn out.