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3 years ago


3 years ago

Detox Bath Recipe Removes: Radiation Poisoning / Pesticides / Heavy Metals / Parasites / Nano Bots / Graphene Oxide (Black Goo) / Chemtrails / Jabs & More

A. External Detox

Take a hot bath with:

2 cups of Baking Soda
2 cups of Epsom Salt
1 cup of Bentonite Clay (Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay)
1 cup of Borax (removes Nano Bots)

Scrub down for 20 minutes.


BAKING SODA – Is the “Flusher” that pulls out Heavy Metals and Radiation.

BORAX - Pulls out Graphene Oxide. (Dark ET Black Goo)

BENTONITE CLAY – Major Detox Puller.

EPSON SALT – Kills Parasites / Amebas and Protozoa. (Giant Spider Eggs)

H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide 3% - 1 cup to the bath

Himalayan Pink Salt - 1 cup to the bath (you should be eating it too)

Eat Grapefruit and get in the Sun to help kill the bad stuff. Sun block causes cancer...not the sun it cures & prevents it.

Internal Detox

Apple Cider Vinegar - Have a spoon or two.

Iodine – Couple of drops in a cup of water - It alkalizes the body and gives it the necessary ingredients to heal.

Baking Soda - one spoon to a cup of water. (Kills Cancer)

Look for the following supplements:

1. Zinc
2. Vitamin D
3. Vitamin C
4. NAC Amino Acid
5. 5-MTHF
6. Shilajit


Source of this information & learn more at:

General Recommendations for detoxing – Dr. Carrie Madej


General Recommendations for detoxing – Dr. Carrie Madej

General Recommendations for detoxing – Dr. Carrie Madej