

"There's nothing so comfortable as a small bankroll. A big one is always in danger."- Wilson Mizner.

The first thing that came to mind was Tom Hanks... A big one - remember the movie BIG?- He played a kid in a grown up body.
Small - BIG
The Author is WILSON Mizner
WILSON the soccer ball in LOST
I heard on the radio on Friday that the soccer ball was sold for $375,000 (not sure of the number)....
We know Hanks is gone - but there has to be a connection.
This makes me think of the soccer ball that Putin gave Trump
What was inside the Soccer Ball?
A computer chip?

Mizner caught my eye too - as in Mizner Park - Boca Raton -Florida..... I think its the Brother of the Author who founded Mizner Park - Addison Mizner??- Not sure will have to check.
Were they trying to allude to BOCA RATON as in the RATS MOUTH?
Did Hanks RAT out all of HOLLYWOOD????

Wilson Mizner was an American Playwright - his best known plays are : THE DEEP PURPLE and the GREYHOUND
The DEEP PURPLE makes me think of PURPLE REIGN or RAIN
GREYHOUND as in DOG or the BUS????
I have been seeing a lot of BUS comms lately...

A definite message here.