
Let's start with two important quotes from QUANTUM REVELATION, a new book about quantum physics by Paul Levy.

“Quantum theory implies that observer-participants create both the physical laws and the appearance of the material world in which the laws apply.”

“However we view it, we can’t get around the fact that we are actively participating in creating our experience of the universe.”

The implications here are huge.

QUANTUM PHYSICS IS SAYING: all of us, like it or not, participate in the process of dreaming up what happens, what unfolds in the world.

This isn’t something that quantum science is theorizing. The verdict is in - the evidence is clear: the thoughts we hold in our head – our intensions – can and do influence specific outcomes.

We can and DO influence outcomes, and especially so when two or more people start transmitting similar intentions - the effects are amplified like crazy.

Our collective focused intentions can be wielded like a badass directed energy weapon for GOOD.

(continued on next post)