
Currently, today I am sitting outside working on my group and with other groups spread out across the country dedicated to supporting President Trump and the work he is doing. While I am listening to the storms roll over head; I am also listening to Fox news, and today, other than what is going on with Paul Manafort the big story is the airplanes and the grounding of the Boeings.

This brings to mind what we learned months ago about how 44 gifted our country with installing parts on the planes made with bad steel. Do you remember that? The planes that fly over head, all over the USA, and around the world. I believe, if I remember correctly, it was General Kelley that discovered this and started working to correct our planes. This could have been the largest catastrophe our country has seen so far. How could anyone be that evil.

How many of you remember this? Please if I didn’t get this right let me know what I missed. This makes me wonder with the clock running out on the deadline if this is not also a good way to keep some (bad actors) people from running away. Please be sure to keep an eye on what is going on around us all. The biggest clue may be the people we don’t see anymore.

Just my thoughts....