
To Understand Big Criminal Pharma's Corrupt History & Why this is happening, you have to watch this 2 minute video & re-post it on all your #socialmedia so others can too!

- When it was discovered that Oil could be used to make pharmaceuticals, John D Rockefeller ordered his army of propagandists to invert reality in #scientifictotalitarianism accordingly.
- Medicines that were used for thousands of years were suddenly classified as "Alternative" while the new, patentable, addictive, & dangerous drugs, were declared as "The Gold Standard"
- Rockefeller then bought a pharmaceutical company that manufactured chemicals of war for Adolf Hitler
- Rockefeller lobbied congress to declare natural healing modalities as "Unscientific quackery"
- He then took control of the AMA & offering huge grants to Universities only if they taught his approved manipulated curriculums. #scientifictotalitarianism
- Any mention of the healing powers of plants, herbs and diet were removed from teaching and knowledge
- Rockefeller bought ALL the texbook companies to manipulate the information & teaching inside, to hide REAL physics & electrics & run his Big Oil Monopoly
- Rockefellers were instrumental in killing the electric car industry 3 times, in 1845, 1902, and 1993
- Rockefellers consolidated almost all media in America on 3 different occasions, buying more than 300,000 publications, in order to completely control American society
- Doctors who protested were fired, removed from the AMA and stripped of their licenses to teach and practice medicine
- Those who dared to speak out were arrested and jailed
- When evidence surfaced that petroleum based medicines were causing cancer, Rockefeller founded the American Cancer Society and highjacked the science and suppressed that information
- He is the founder of the pharma industry and the reason that medical malpractice is the 3rd leading cause of death in America
- Doctors are under the stranglehold of Big Criminal Pharma
- Pharma spends twice per year the amount as big oil on lobbying to buy off and prostitute the congress and influence public perception
- No industry has more power over our lives than big pharma.
- The biggest sponsors of Racist depopulation using Vaccines as a sterilizing agent or to deliver them into people, is the Rockefeller organization
- The biggest promoter & organizer of the entire #climate agenda for depopulation including funding #extinctionrebellion & #greedatoonburg, are the Rockefellers.
- Rockefellers & Gates are also huge investors in Monsanto, which has poisoned Millions of people & destroyed entire farming communities in India & Bangladesh.
- The Rockefellers are the #1 Censors of Breakthrough CleanEnergy in the world, and largely also are involved in control of Patent system & suppression

SHOW THIS TO EVERYONE. Make it an assignment for your children to write it & do a research paper on this!!!