“All too aware that planned injury to people...was the least defensible of all its [FBI’s] COINTELPRO initiatives…the systematic attack on people, the unprecedented commitment of a law enforcement agency systematically to do injury to others outside of the legal system, was deliberate. ...But the COINTELPROs reflect a deliberate intent to punish targets who were concededly neither suspected nor convicted of crime; they were conducted by government representatives over a period of years, and in secret….directed against people it [FBI] had itself defined as enemies and outcasts.” - The Age of Surveillance, Frank J Donner, 1980
“Lockheed Martin has announced that James B. Comey, 44, will succeed Frank H. Menaker, Jr., 65, as the corporation's Senior Vice President and General Counsel, effective October 1, 2005. Menaker, who has served as General Counsel since March 1995, will retire at the end of January 2006.” - Lockheed Martin News Release