
3 years ago

Get angry! We've got a bunch of criminals coming down on us!

NWO The Great Reset Totalitarianism
The Great Fascist Reset: The Global Elite's Plan to Radically Remake Our Economic and Social Lives.
NWO Agenda: COVID, Digital Identity, The Great Reset, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Transhumanism, Agenda 21, etc: This article covers a lot of ground and includes a lot of sources. If you don’t know what’s going on with all of this COVID nonsense this will, hopefully, put things into perspective. If you don’t want to read the whole thing, check the TL;DR section at the end.

1. Intro
The COVID agenda is so vast that it’s almost difficult to know where to begin. Unfortunately, questions regarding the origin and lethality of the virus itself are outside of the scope of this article. As is the efficacy and lethality of the so-called “vaccines.” While these issues are important, they are merely pieces of a much larger puzzle, the grand political end game that is being orchestrated under the guise of COVID hysteria. The lockdowns, masks, vaccines, mandates, and freedom passes are being used to slingshot humanity into a clichéd dystopic future with a plotline straight out of a low-budget sci-fi movie. This article will cover the primary plot points and explain how they tie into a wider conspiracy.

2. Smart cities and digital identity
By far the most crucial aspect of the COVID agenda is the so-called “vaccine passports.” Our rulers do not want you to get “vaccinated” for the good of your health. They want you to get “vaccinated” so that they can force you to use a “vaccine passport.” They are the first step to implementing a mandatory, universal digital identity system. Every human is “at risk” from COVID. Therefore, every human must take the “vaccine.” To keep track of who has taken the vaccine, every human requires a “vaccine passport.” To keep track of the vaccine passports, humanity as a species requires a worldwide digital identity system. Without a worldwide identity system, the vaccine passports are useless, and without the vaccine passports, how do we know that you aren’t a COVID super-spreader?

The vaccine-passport-to-digital-identity pipeline was labeled a kook conspiracy theory by the mainstream media throughout 2019 and 2020, but globalists have always been pretty open about their nefarious schemes. In 2016, the United Nations announced its plan to give every human a “digital identity” at its ID2020 Summit. In 2018, the European Union announced the creation of vaccine passports that are “compatible with electronic immunisation information systems.” To be clear: The “vaccine passport” is the digital identity.

Globalists parry the accusation that they are malevolent conspirators by openly announcing their malevolent conspiracies to the world. They simply rebrand them as philanthropic crusades to save humanity from some hyperbolic, supposedly world-ending calamity, like COVID and Global Warming. The Rockefeller-founded ‘Club of Rome’ openly admitted this strategy regarding Climate Change™ in their book ‘The First Global Revolution’ and many other globalists have said similar things in the past.

“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together.”

The big question is: Why do elites want to “digitize” our identities? Well, according to the United Nations themselves, their plan for the future of humanity is to corral everybody into fully-digitized, 5G-powered, “Sustainably Developed,” Climate-Change-friendly “Smart Cities.”

Once the plebs have been forced to live in pods and eat bugs, elites will use these Smart Cities to monitor and micromanage our lives via AI, automation, the “Internet of Things” and “Internet of Bodies.” Everything you own will be connected not just to the internet but a worldwide system that regulates every aspect of your life. Your TV, trash can, fridge, oven, car (if you’re allowed to own one at all) will constantly catalog your daily activities and feed round-the-clock, real-time information back into the system. In turn, the system will control how you can interact with society.

3. Agenda 21 and Sustainable Development
4. Socialist technocracy?
5. One-world governance, overt and covert
6. UBI and one-world digital currency
7. Transhumanism
8. TL;DR
read more: https://fakten-basierte-politi....k.de/news-estero/nwo

The Great Reset WEF Davos exposed.

“You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy”, right? – The Great Reset.

Some people are completely unaware of this action plan.

UNITED NATIONS agenda 21 for a controlled NWO, the agenda for the 21st century - A Great Elite Reset. This has been out there for 20 years and most of us were completely unaware of it. It's agenda 21, the agenda for the 21st century. This is not something that; you know just a bunch of people are out there making up. This is REAL. It's a plan to remove humans and human activity from rural and suburban areas. It's been implemented in our country and it has been supported by every president ever since. So you're going to be concerned about this, not just as Americans but as free human beings. And this is a world plan.

The concepts of "Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, and The Great Reset" represent plans closely tied to the "COVID-19 crisis. Rosa Koire is the absolute expert on the United nation's agendas that seek to squeeze humanity into submission. Rosa Koire was an appraiser and had 28 years of land use experience. Thanks to this work, she noticed a certain trend, a shift in land use. Thus, she became an expert on Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and The Great Reset. What is Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030? What are the UN's plans and how powerful are they? Can we do anything ourselves to turn the tide?

Agenda 21 - reinvented as Agenda 2030 and Agenda 2050 - is a Plan to Depopulate 95% of the World Population by 2030 and it is in full swing right now. If you go to one of your local council meetings you might notice that they are implementing it as well in your city or town. Another name for it is “Sustainable Development (CSD)“.

NL https://apokalypsnu.nl/2021/10..../16/klaus-schwab-en-
NL https://eindtijdklok.org/2021/....11/19/tijdslijn-van-
NL https://www.ongehoordnederland.nl/de-grote-reset/

Great Reset’s ESG ‘Credit Scores’ WILL Affect Every Aspect Of Your Life

Very Detailed Explanation Of The Great Reset And The New World Order.

The Global Elite's Plan to Radically Remake Our Economic and Social Lives.