
Good morning Patriots!

The most difficult thing we may have to do today is control our FEAR METER.

I know it is so hard to control fear when satan is coming at you so hard in so many different ways at once.

He wants to KEEP us in FEAR so that we do not unite against him, so that you wont find your direct connection to God that keeps you calm and in peace in the middle of the storm, so that you will make mistakes in hast.

God knows your needs, and he knows that satan is holding your family over you. It is much harder to cast fear aside when you are responsible for others & satan will use that against you every single day.

If you can REALLY cleanse your pineal gland and find your very real direct connection to God, there is a peace there that will give you power over fears, power over fears of death, a powerful peace in your heart of a knowing you are eternal with God & fearless path to defeat satan with calm using God's authority


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