3 years ago - Translate


If there are any New Yorkers on WEGO it's time to be rid of the democraps. It's time to bring in new blood for the Governor of our state. There are two people running that would be a good choice, Andrew Giuliani and Mike Carpinelli. Do some research on these two and see what they are about. We the people of this state need to turn this state around and make it a better place to live. The democraps have had this state to long and it's time to get rid of them. They have destroyed our home with there poison, they don't care about us as a people, they only care about themselves. Please pass this to other New Yorkers and lets clean our state up from the poison the democraps have created. And we the people need to make sure that they don't cheat in the 2022 election, because they pass some laws recently to allow anyone to vote in our state. That means if your not a legal resident of NY you can vote anyway and you don't need an ID. They also pass a law for mail in ballots. Check it out for your self go to NY state senators web site there is all kind of info there. If I'm wrong let me know about the laws pass thanks.