
“One of the greatest lessons of the past five centuries in Europe and America is this: Acute crisis contributes to boosting the power of the state. It’s always been the case, and there is no reason why it should be different with the COVID-19 pandemic.”
-Klaus Schwab, leader of WEF, World Economic Forum.

Schwab's plan is to cause a series of crises to achieve a global economic depression to entice the people of the world to adopt his "solution". His bankers will promise to forgive everyone's debts in return for ownership of all property. All currency will be digital and controlled by a central bank. The currency will be "programmable" so it can only be earned, saved, or spent when allowed, and only on the items allowed. The people will have to obey the elites who control the money in order to be able to spend it. If you don't take your shots, you cannot access your money, for example.
Schwab calls this The Great Reset.

"You will own nothing, and you will be happy".

Schwab and the elites believe they can achieve this by "hacking" human beings and "installing" artificial neural networks based on graphene skeletons. These networks can receive and transmit data. There is already a substantial amount of published research regarding this. With a combination of genetic manipulation and the artificial neural network, it will be possible to stimulate pleasure centers in the brain to make people feel good. Conversely, it will also be possible to induce other emotional states. It would also be possible to terminate people remotely via the network.
It is a type of slavery that has never been imagined before. That is what the global elites seek to achieve.