
As I learn about the Hebrew month of IYAR, the Holy Spirit brought THE OASIS to the forefront to share some of what it means to be positioned to receive the mysteries that Adonai has for us through revelation, healing, blessing and provision.
It is a month of transition out of bondage and into the knowledge of the glory of God, out of Passover and into Shavuot or Pentecost, and simultaneously by the Ministry of Yeshua where He equipped the Disciples with teachings of the higher ways of God and prepared them to go out and heal the sick.
When He resurrected, He then came back in this same month of IYAR, several times to them to make clear the resurrection power and to reveal the Five Fold Ministry that they may prepare the new believers with the understanding of His Kingdom that is at hand.
THE OASIS represents these miracles and blessings that the Good Father has always intended for His children. He loves to surprise us and bless us. I can testify because often in my afflictions, He has revealed Himself as the God of suddenlys. He our great deliverer as seen in the Passover and in the redeeming sacrifice of Yeshua. And now He wants to reveal more.
I pray you position yourselves to receive, to embrace and to put Your faith in the miracles from above, to acknowledge our Father as our divine healer as sickness is not of Him, One who wants to restore us back to the Garden and bring us with Yeshua, who reigns in that Kingdom, that He has promised.
All glory and honor, gratitude and praise to Adonai.

Psalm 23:1-3
[1] David’s poetic praise to God
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
[2] He makes me lie down in green pastures: He leads me beside still waters.
[3] He restoreth my soul: He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake.