
[Forwarded from White Hats]
The ALLIANCE is coming coming closer to deep state handlers//
_As reported by several insiders including B. Fulford and insiders in Chinese leaks<

The Rockefeller clan, who were behind the entire fake Biden regime, are now trying to negotiate a surrender, Asian secret society sources say. In Europe, meanwhile, their other masters, the Rothschild family, are trying to get protection from their former slave colony of Israel by claiming exposure of their crimes is “anti-semitic

>The problem is a critical mass of Jews is now aware their ruling families were deeply involved in the Holocaust (burnt offering to Satan) as a part of their messianic project to chase the Jews out of Europe and into Israel. They wanted to become kings of the Jews, against the will of the Jewish people. The fact that Israel refuses to support their campaign to create greater Khazaria in Ukraine is proof of this.

>The collapse of KM rule in the West may be the trigger for something that has never happened before in our history. Russian, Asian and Secret Space Program sources say some sort of earth-shaking, mind-blowing event may happen soon, with some predicting it for this week. As usual with such predictions, we will believe it when we see it but, as we will report below, there is some extremely unusual project blue beam-related stuff going on in Antarctica and elsewhere.

Let us start by looking at the situation in Ukraine, where the last of the KM leaders are seeking shelter. According to Western experts, Ukraine has already lost the war, as it lost:

>80% of oil and gas fields

All refineries and large tank farms

Fields for sowing

Coal mines

Four major ports

A significant part of nuclear and a significant part of coal generation

Oil and gas fields on the Black Sea shelf.

That is why the United Nations Security Council issued a unanimous resolution calling for an end to the “dispute” in Ukraine. Notice they did not use the word “war.” In other words, they are admitting it is an internal Russian matter. The fact the US, the UK and France are going along with this resolution speaks volumes. It is a surrender

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