
We all NEED to break this reality and through combined effort, change it into what we have talked about for years and years. But to do that, we need to break the cycle of watching, reporting, and getting emotionally attached to the current news cycles and instead watch, report, while simply being an observer of the reality we desire, unfolding.

I have struggled with writing on this topic for some time because my views may not be popular to some of the people I follow, admire, and respect and did no want to offend or have them turn away, but I have come to the point that I feel I need to write it because I believe the time is very near that this alternate view is becoming important for people to understand on at least a superficial basis so that at least a basic understanding may help us in the near future.

First off, I need it to be clear that I am a firm believer in God and the teachings of Jesus Christ. My view may simply differ from yours slightly. And I may interpret the Bible and its verses differently than you. I do not view God as a man sitting, watching the goings on of the world and passing judgment onto those not following his word.

I instead see God in and of everything. A giving God that does not condemn but instead gives freely and abundantly to that in which we focus our intention on. Good or bad, we are given more of what we concentrate our actions, thoughts, and vibrations on.

In addition, this is not a post of our maybe differing view of God but instead a study on mentally, refocusing our attentions toward the beautiful, unbelievable, and awe inspiring things that happen every day around us that go unnoticed and unrealized.

It should also be stated that I have been studying, albeit somewhat superficially, Quantum Physics and the unseen realities of life. I AM NOT a quantum Physicist in any way shape or form.

My views and understanding are basic and could be argued and/or corrected and I would welcome that for I am continually trying to grow my understanding of the topic while at the same time building on my belief that there can be very valid arguments made to the coexistence of science and creation versus, what I see as Darwin’s somewhat narrow belief, we arrived here thru a process of evolution.

With all of that being said, I believe we are doing our desire to see our visions of the future a huge disservice by getting so jacked up and somewhat myopic and emotional in continually posting and reporting on the evil things happening in our world. To me, by continually focusing our attention on these items of evil, we are setting the stage for it to continue. I certainly fall victim to this line of thinking just as every other human on this planet.

As infallible as we are, the effort to reset our line of concentration after reading about evil doings must become a constant and conscious part of our thinking. By doing this, we satisfy our desire to see and know what is happening around us, but by resetting and refocusing, we give the evil no power to build and manifest itself into something we would rather not be a part of our reality.

The American marine biologist, Rachel Carson stated “The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for the destruction of our race. Wonder and humility are wholesome emotions, and they do not exist side by side with a lust for destruction.”

In quantum mechanics there is a phenomenon called the observer effect which refers to changes that the act of observing has on the phenomenon being observed. For example: trying to observe an electron will change the path of the electron. There are countless experiments showing, what we set our attention to, effects the outcome of any thing we are studying. By trying to prove where an electron will go, it is influenced by what we are simply, mentally, hoping to find. And the study changes for every individual performing it.