
2 years ago

Jonella Moore

I'll leave this picture to ponder. This picture says 1000 words.

What the Free Masons believe in is older than Egypt. Because Satanism is the oldest religion and the one that rules them all. The "Game" we are playing is a very old game of the Devil's called Duality. We are in the Devil's world here currently and have been.

It's been used since antiquity to move the Evil Ones agenda. This "Game"

White is not synonymous with Good in this setting. I'm sorry.

Look at this picture. On the right is the hexagon (Israel) with the upside up triangle the satanic celebrities use and the downward triangle that "good" uses because they "keep evil down" while evil "is rising" hence the different directions of the triangles used. Opposing sides = Duality. Trump is a White Hat and uses the downward facing triangle. He done this many times with his hands.

If you look at the hieroglyphics you get half of a story cause we can't see the back but look. What do you see being told???

Now look at the towers. They're in the forefront to be SEEN. that throne in the MIDDLE of each tower, in the background, who do you think sits there?

Before that, notice the color red. It is the seat color and back of seat. The color of EACH triangle atop EACH tower is also red. Which signifies the 33° and is the SAME on BOTH sides. Now look at the triangle on the table. What color is atop the triangle? Red. What color is the right side up triangle in the hexagon? Red.

This is done on purpose. Why? Significance and connection.

Red is the lowest color CHAKRA which is the GENITAL area. The Devil is the Horny God.

Hence Red is his color.

Because the Devil, who sits on that Red Throne, controls BOTH sides (Black AMD White Hats) with Red pyramids atop them to a desired outcome.


Then our Good Lord came and taught. . .

NON Duality. Love your enemy.

Who here loves the people of the Left? To get into the Kingdom, you must love your enemies.

This picture tells you A LOT without ever saying a word.
