SH’AT haSHIN in Hebrew which ties in to the 21st letter of the Hebrew Alphabet, SHIN, which by the way, I am not done painting but the message is for now.
We’ll start by learning that the breakdown of the letters that make up the SHIN are Nun, Yod and Shin and together they add up to 360 ( Ha! )Right? SHIN encompasses the fullness of the degrees of a circle or as we might say: “coming around full circle”.
SHIN also stands for SHADDAI, one of my personal favorites Names of God, after the Names for Father is EL SHADDAI, the Almighty King over fire.
Pardon me if I spend a lot of time always referencing God and His magnitude, I just feel this sense of awe towards Him as He is so BIG and AWESOME and it is in my heart to always magnify and glorify Him.
The SHIN HOUR or Sh’at haShin is the last possible moment for any action, usually military and it corresponds in English to the 11th Hour which is right about now!
Shiryon means ”armour” in Hebrew so please put on your full armour of God now because a SHIN SHIN Clash is imminent and that is Israeli military talk for a battle between two divisions and I believe we can interpret this at this hour as a mighty stance the LORD is taking against our common enemy and a potentially dark time for those that are not rooted in The Almighty God, EL SHADDAI, the Almighty KING over fire. This is a time where GOD’S GLORY will pour from above and fall upon this earth as waters cover the sea.
Let’s Keep our praises and worship alive throughout the battle. That is our weapon and our victory stance together in One, in One accord with the Will of the Father at this time.