just lovely is now q phenom Qimi@truthsocial i
i've been on a very interesting continuous adventure and i would like everyone that is on truth soc to check out my posts from the end of june on. please help me by getting this to someone that can help doq and me. we don't trust anyone.
it all started June 26, 2022 with 2 voicemails from my friend, doq who is an 80 year old double amputee w broken prosthetics and a broken wheelchair. he was being threatened with forcible eviction without due process. i thought i could get him an extra week to stay at his home and have time to organize a move for him. so i googled how to do an eviction and how to use the process to exit with dignity for both parties. pretty straightforward and mostly fair. should have been a week well spent doing a good turn for a friend.
[insert: circus- 3 shows daily]
the first week was truly magical, with doq and i transforming the home, yard and driveway from the street sad house and i was feeling great about how a little win was transforming doq into a social butterfly, meeting the neighbors and borrowing a lawnmower for me to use. our shows were a great success. at this point, i still thought it was about doq, an eviction and something weird with the churchfriends of our friend and doq's landlady, ,virginia who had at least 4 moves in 6weeks
[insert: daily adventures in the course of awakening] this stage involves discovery and it takes a lot of kicking and constant lawful irritation to get answers and resulting connections. how do you introduce evidence? introduce necessary characters as daily revelations miraculously unfold. you see clearly the elder and disabled abuse in all forms rising to human rights violations, trafficking, mind control religious sect, a frame job, corrupt police, patriot police, corruption at every level and no prosecutorial will. they get away with murder here on the daily. hopefully someone on the team is in the mix. i pray for help as doq and i are scared especially for virginia who needs to be saved immediately as her usefulness will end very soon and she will be a liability they can't afford.
i am 60 and had a pretty good life. happy home, smartaf hubby, a garden, pets and firewood already stacked for our long alaska winter.
i've worked at a mexican restaraunt, the grocery deli, the carwash and bowl on tues nights for the past 9 years. def in the matrix happy, content to make it mostly out of debt and looking forward to being a digital soldier, lol. (i've been in survival boot camp, chased and surveilled relentlessly, threatened, had my car blocked from exiting a dead end street where i think the traffickers have a stash house. these people are sick, dangerous idiots who know they are above the law and prove it every day. i am learning the art of lawfare from a law library website. my unemployment ended and i borrowed 20 dollars from nathan at the health food store for gas in the motorcycle. idoq has a special diet and needs a lot of sleep. it's hard to strike a balance with him in tow, but he is my true north and thank the Good Lord for that clarity. follow us and meet doq on truth soc
NOW- i am becoming more awake to reality only the last few weeks, it's a fairly quick process towards the end because once your eyes are opened there is absolutely no going back to your former life. (for the safety and sanity of everyone i know and care about, i've said and not said my goodbyes. i will hold the line and be best as long as i can. i will listen to joe walsh's new album at 11 on the 10 peg dial! at all times, as i would consider it a crime not to! this is my living out loud soundtrack and my private soundtrack has been TAV's amazing work. no less than a dozen are in cat and mouse with me and you need pacing, listen to analog man, its a masterpiece!
Thanks to God for giving me Q , the Anons, the Truthers and President Trump so that I was preparing myself for this battle of good versus evil...and just so you know, doq and i are trying to get an investigative grand jury , sometimes the only way a citizen can get justice.