888bkind shared a post  
2 years ago


2 years ago

The first Neighborhood I moved into (with kids and Husband)- reminded me of The Poltergeist neighborhood - cookie cutter starter homes. How on earth did they fill up a large area so quickly - you would drive by empty LOTS one week and the next the house was already up?
Main road with 2 cut-de-sacs on either side.
I wont get into all the stories - but oddly enough the "other" side of the street - after 9/11 was completely wiped out working in the TWIN TOWERS - almost every single husband (and a few wives) were gone after 9/11. I believe there was about 12 families in the neighborhood that fell "victim" to 9/11.... I am starting to question if that was part of the "hoax". CIA ..story??.... Most worked at Cantor Fitzgerald...... once you hear about the amount of empty offices and the Skelton portions of the Towers - you will understand why more didn't die - or did they?.... Did they ALL really die?

Soon after 9/11 - I remember going to so many different "Charity Events" and my Husband seemed to play a "Charity Golf Event".... every weekend..... Donations pouring into the victims (families).

Before I knew it - we started building the next nightmare .... and moved out .. the next neighborhood wasn't so congested but all the same types - many with the same cars/mini vans.... TENNIS/GOLF anyone???? - sports seemed to be big with both parents and children..... thinking back - I swear many had the same types of names and many seemed to work for Pharmaceutical Companies or Verizon/ATT - Celgene seemed to be a common employer....and if the wives weren't home they were Realtors. Soon you would see your Miss Suzy's face smacked all over the shopping carts at the A&P.... and in the mailbox with a huge flyer that you had to struggle with to get out.... THINKING OF SELLING YOUR HOUSE... NO SUZY - I JUST F*CKING MOVED IN AND I HAVEN'T EVEN FINISHED HANDING OUT ALL THE CRAP YOU MADE ME SELL FROM YOUR WELCOME WAGON BASKET!!!!..... needless to say - I seemed to be a target ..... the next thing I knew - I was getting divorced and not one person in the neighborhood, school, church etc would talk to me.... I moved out .....
How did it happen so fast?..... was it geared to happen like that?- Was everything thought out (for you)....??? Was it part of the GAME?.... Think about it - how many times has ONE home been Mortgaged out?- Multiple Families, Need a Divorce Attorney?- No problem - you have to use Mr. B - He is the Best in Town ..... Need a Realtor - Oh no SUZY got first dibs on the house.....
Was there more profit in Divorcing?,,,,, 2 separate homes .... 2 more mortgages.... 2 sets of Attorney's...... was the demise of the family a BUSINESS? Like CANCER?
