2 years ago - Translate


Greetings all! I ran across this platform recently and, having left Facebook many years ago, thought it would be a nice place to interact with like minded individuals. I am an old guy aged 74 so my best years are in front of me if I make them so. Ever the optimist I am also ever objective having been involved directly in the Vietnam war. I tend to look at the world in a Scriptural manner as I follow that book more readily than governments. Things just seem to work better when a person places God in front of all else.

Being as this is my first post here and time is not plentiful today I wanted to say hello and that I hope to make some good friends here. I am always too busy for my age and that keeps my perspective from going too far one way or the other. I am not a really political person as I believe I know where all of this is heading and it is best to keep the light in front rather than the dark.
