2 years ago - Translate


The “RIGGED” Midterms was “PREDICTABLE.” The two “POS LEADERS” from the Establishment have been working “AGAINST” the Patriot Candidates the “ENTIRE” time. They had “NO” intentions of “TAKING” back the House and Senate because they “DON’T” support President Trump being our “POTUS.” 🤬🤬🤬👇


THE STEAL: It Happened Again - Votes from Third Party Candidate Disappear From Totals Hours After Being Reported

THE STEAL: It Happened Again - Votes from Third Party Candidate Disappear From Totals Hours After Being Reported

After the 2020 Election, we found numerous instances where thousands of votes disappeared from President Trump’s column and landed in the Joe Biden column.  This was never addressed over the past few years.  Of course, it happened again in the