
I had an epiphany tonight. I am shaking all over, and my mind feels like mush. After I watched IPOT's video tonight, which was 2 hrs. long, I fell deep into depression. Strange thing is that I knew all those facts. I have studied it on many prior occasions. However, the video was so well put together, and so much proof existed to back up his point that it hit me like a tornado. I have seen children maimed and turned into creatures. I have read and seen our miltary fighting extra-terran entities and watched them die. I have seen the dumbs and the children in cages. But I kept strong and went on. This is what I think: we have grown callouses on our hearts by learning all this information, bit by bit, over many years. When you sit down and watch it for a 2-hr stretch, it plays on your mind. We are the lucky ones. We are the ones who have built up a tolerance for all this evil. What do you think people will do when it is in front of their faces for the first time, in full length, for days??????? I think, perhaps, many really will lose their minds. I'm not sure how many are really ready to hear it; but I know when they do, it will be harder on them than it has any one of us as we have journeyed this path. GOD HELP US ALL. I'm still shaking.....the thought of all THE FRIGGIN LIES ALL THESE YEARS, THE MAFIA WORKING FOR THE KHAZARIAN JEWS AS THEIR MUSCLE; THE WHISTELBLOWERS BEING KILLED, PUT IN PRISON AND ATTACKED IN EVERY FASHION. IT HAS NEVER ENDED. ON AND ON IT GOES.....LIE AFTER LIE, AND THEN YOU START TO WONDER WHAT THE HELL WAS LIFE ABOUT IF THERE WAS NEVER, EVEN FOR A MINUTE, SOME POLITICIAN OR GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY WHO EVER WANTED TO TELL US THE TRUTH. IT JUST MAKES ONE WONDER....