Joey DarktoLight @joey
6 hours ago
Family I need prayers for someone very dear to me. She is an Anon on here. She does not post. What she does do is call me every day for 2 years so i do not feel alone. She in one of 2 anons that looked over me when my family all left me and I was left alone with my PTSD.
This pup was her only light within her home. It was the unconditional love she had at home. She passed away this morning. Her husband is not a good person. Even though she was being abused she always checked on me. We always seem to put others first. She did. She is very Humble and full of Grace.
Please say a prayer for 17Red. She is one of Joeys Guardian Angels.
I will be off the rest off the rest of the day in prayer for her and to leave my line open. So tired of seeing anons hurting. It is so wrong. I wondered why I woke up in tears this morning.....My soul must have felt her pain
God Bless
I will pass on your messages to her.