1 year ago - Translate - Youtube


This is BIG!
The answer is in our hands. Richard Vobes speaks with William Keyte about the UK Constitution and how, together the people of this great nation can change our destiny.
The GOVERNMENT claims it is sovereign and yet it cannot be.
Corrupt politicians should go to Trial by Jury and not just sacked.
If voting actually mattered, they'd not let us do it. Such true words!
I was born in the fifties and there was never any doubt that the people were sovereign. The interference of government in peoples' daily lives now would have been unimaginable back then.
VIDEO: (48 mins. 18 secs.)

Website: https://www.commonlawconstitution.org/
Memes: https://www.commonlawconstitution.org/memes

#peoplepower #constitution #constitutionallaw #government #richardvobes #williamkeyte #ukconstitution