2 years ago - Translate


Prayers Please
Please prayer for the New Leaders of the Republics of the World, the White Hats, Alliance, and Ground Crews. Infuse youre love into these prayers for the Healing , Prosperity and Peace for our New World.

I have never really felt that Patriotic before ( until now) throgh the last three years of this gene-ocide pla-nd. emic . As i woke up i knew i had to do my part because we need to be the change we wish we can see in our World .

If we all wait for someone else to do it and everyone has that attitude nothing changes and evil destroys us. So i will support the new caretaker regmises of the world and if nobody joins me in this it does not matter as such because i am doing my part and i know that i am . Besdies i am really and truly doing this all for God , the One who sent me , The One who is all Loving. and all merciful.

I will fly the new flag lovingly with Loyalty and Devotion, I will support those in Canada and beyond who need it through prayers, kind acts, money whatever it takes.

For once i am proud of our new leaders . I have seen such benevolent acts and kindness from them ( `by their fruits you shall know them`) These new leaders that are being put into place are good ones. And as the old wanes and the new gains speed through love, light and the law of attraciton So i sanctify my writing with Gods love for all And we say it in Chirst AMEN
