6 years ago - Translate


Most modern secret scieties and especially those that practice degrees of initiation (and that is the key) are really one society with one purpose. You may call them what ever you wish - The Order od the Quest, Jason Society, Roshaniya, Qabbalah, Knights Templar, Knights of Columbus, Jesuits, Masons, Order of the Rosae Crucis, Illuminati, Nazi Party, Communist Party, CFR, The Group, Brotherhood of the Dragon, Rosicrusians, RIIA, Trilateral Commision, Bilderburg Group, OFSS, Russell Group, Skull n Bones, Scroll n Key, The Order, to name a few. They are all the same and all work towards the same goal....a New World Order. The Deep State has many members as do other world governments. Some have been around or a strain of them for millennium. This is what we are up against.