
"Ocasio-Cortez never disclosed to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) that she and Chakrabarti controlled Justice Democrats while it simultaneously supported her primary campaign.

If the FEC finds that her campaign and the PAC were operating in affiliation, it could result in “massive reporting violations” or potentially even jail time for Ocasio-Cortez and Chakrabarti, former FEC Commissioner Brad Smith previously told TheDCNF. Another former FEC commissioner, Hans von Spakovsky, wrote in a March 10 Fox News op-ed that he believes there’s sufficient evidence to 'justify opening a criminal investigation' into Ocasio-Cortez."

Ocasio Just Kicked Off Of Board Of Major Democrat PAC... Things Aren't Looking Good For Her

Ocasio Just Kicked Off Of Board Of Major Democrat PAC... Things Aren't Looking Good For Her

She's going down.