
The energies are getting pretty intense out there.I can feel it.
Nope not from the news but from the intensity of the energy waves I see every day and the feelings of it when I close my eyes to connect.

Now is the time I think for us to be prepared but not afraid, to be aware of our surroundings & family but not totally locked down, to spend more time with God than the news.

Just my opinion.

Nana sees this sort of like I see the demons, every now & then 1 breaks thro that I have to remove, but for the most part they simply are not allowed to hold space in my bubble.

They are trying hard to keep our minds COMPLETELY consumed with fear.In the battle there may be very little many of us CAN actually do, but we CAN control our thoughts & control the manifest if we truly want to.

Sometimes it is as simple as paying attention to what thoughts are allowed to flow thro our minds.We can control our thoughts if we spend a little time working on ways to do it.
Control your thoughts.
