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6 months ago


6 months ago

"They compelled him, saying, 'Stay with us, for it is toward evening and the day has already dawned. And he went in to stay with them.
๐Ÿ“– Luke 24: 13 - 29

Two disciples of Jesus return dejected to their home village of Emmaus near Jerusalem. The rulers of their people have given their Lord a more than unjust trial to get Him out of the way. They have crucified Him! Now all their hopes are dashed that Jesus will free their people from the Romans and that conditions in the country will improve.
On the way home, a stranger joins them. He gives the impression that he has heard nothing of the events in Jerusalem. But then an interesting conversation ensues with him: about the predictions of the prophets, who had already spoken of the suffering of Christ many centuries before. He patiently shows and explains to them everything that points to this Messiah and Redeemer in the writings of the Old Testament.
When the two disciples finally reach their home village of Emmaus, evening has fallen. The stranger obviously wants to go on, at least that's how he presents himself. But the two disciples are so impressed by his teachings and have learned so much that they don't want to part with him (yet). So they ask him: "Stay with us!"
It is only when the three of them are eating together that the scales fall from their eyes: it is Jesus himself who has accompanied them for several kilometers on foot and brought them out of their depression. If they previously had "sluggish hearts", they have now become burning hearts.

It can happen to us in a similar way: We are disappointed with life and read the Bible - one passage at a time. Suddenly we realize that Jesus himself is speaking to us. We no longer want to stop reading.