Everyday just keeps getting better! If your true to yourself then by default you will be true in every aspect of our lives. My personal and business world is amazing now and the really exciting aspect of that is that, i know that i know what is good for me . We all do. I have learned and stil learning the difference of making choices out of a subconscious familiarity. compared to a truly conscious decision made in the now moment and not from my past and things that I've done before to Xscape or make myself feel comfortable. Whenever I try to make new choices based on those old designs they fall short and feel hollow and shallow . that by itself feels awesome! Because that is a constant confirmation that where I am now compared to where I was is right and where I was was just that the old me. I have always said my entire life that I was going to be dead by 40. Well it happened I am now 40 years old and the old me is dead! Thank you! To everyone! For everything! I efen love you! When you learn to love yourself love and everybody else just come Natural. I am as you are we are me and me is we I'm in 100% now myself. I will not go back I cannot go back there is no back there is only forward , wich is all created in the now! ?