Mueller Report Summary - Some Guidance
I've made a video following up on the Mueller report ...also defending a few of my friends on You Tube who are getting a real bashing....believe me this ain't over....!
Interestingly I was NOT given permission to look at William Barrs energy on this - you will see I dowsed for it on the video...can't recall that happening ever before could be a timing thing and something that cant yet be revealed or just his own blocks to my reading him...fair enough I never go in without consent - this is something I do automatically behind the scenes to check - you usually don't see the process but here you do as I got a clear No from him and Metatron....Trump is always OK to read on..
So I did do a mini read on Mueller and on Trump....
In retrospect the fact that I was barred from reading William Barr says to me something IS being held back and this will likely be exposed at some point soon....there is more to come on all of this...
Cards - Af