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In 1914 Albert Lewis Pelton wrote a book called "The Creed of the Conquering Chief." It talks about intelligence and leadership. Excerpt below:
*29. A crowd represents a leveling of men - a pulling down of the dominant - a lowering of leaders. Not that the masterful man has committed any crime against the laws of created beings - but simply because he is above the mass, do they seek to bring him down. "If we cannot get up to where you are, mayhap we can pull you down to where we are" is the attitude of the crowd.
In other words, the social leveller's ideal is the annihilation of every-whereactive and always-has-been-active law of LEADERSHIP - survival of the superior.
If you look at what the Jews did to Jesus, and what the democrats are trying to do to Trump, you will see that A.L. Pelton was completely correct.

Pelton's book completely predicts "outcome based education" and every other democrat initiative in the past 50 years.

Why is this important? Pelton predicted that mediocre people in power have no other choice than to destroy those who are intellectually superior to them by any means. He easily explains what the modern democrat-socialists are doing today.

Pelton finally says that only by true leadership is anything worthwhile accomplished. That the masses of the crowd would prefer to live in filth rather than lead themselves out of it. If you look at Trump and Biden, then you can easily see that Pelton was correct.

Remember that Pelton published his book in 1914. The leader that he saw rising above the crowd of the average was Teddy Roosevelt, though he does not mention Roosevelt by name anywhere in the book.

Pelton was trying to encourage an embrace of the extraordinary to lead the country. I am sure he would love Trump, Reagan, Kennedy, Truman, while despising Biden, Carter, Johnson, Coolidge and Wilson.

Albert Lewis Pelton "The Creed of the Conquering Chief", 1914, J.F. Tapley Co. Publishing, New York

Of note: Pelton's book was re-issued in 2014 of the later 1917 edition. My readings are from an original 1914 issue. But it is still wonderful reading. Pelton wrote may other "self help" books in his long career.

Chuck Nellis
Mark Knight
Mark Strauss