
I posted the original unsigned version of this pic on the social media accounts that I am on. Although I get a variety of comments this one really really touched me... The Person replied... "most have no clue of how true this really is".

Although I did, Her words got me teary eyed as I smiled reading Her reply. I continue to share this pic because I still truly believe that President Trump, as well as his family are protected by GOD-Prime Creator I Am THAT I AM, as well as His First-born Son who was then Jesus/Yeshua... and many Others.

This is a signed pic that I saved years back. The original version of this one I had saved before on my previous phone. Now, I have to find it.

Please note that President Trump's fingers are gently laying on Jesus's fingers that He is laying on President Trump's shoulder as if he can sense that Jesus is there. Just writing this us getting me teary eyed.

Whether or not you like the man or not, GOD is using him and those He placed around him to accomplish what He created him to do.

Just giving you something to think about.
